Going Global: Interview with owner/gamer Stevie Alex of PGS Esports (UK)

Going Global: Interview with owner/gamer Stevie Alex of PGS Esports (UK)

We appreciate Stevie, from the UK, for taking time away from his busy day to share his gamer profile with us. Stevie is the founder of PSG Esports tournaments in the UK and shares a similar passion for building a solid community of game leagues through his Pro Clubs memberships. 

You can follow him at “PGS Esports. https://www.pgsesports.com/ 



Complements of Stevie Alex

Q: Tell me a little bit about yourself. 

A: My name is Stevie Alex, I am one of the founders and owners of PGS esports. Where we host a variety of gaming leagues and tournaments on our mobile app. 

Q: How long have you been playing and how much time do you play weekly? 

A: I have been playing FIFA since its release back in 1994. I play as much as I can, but not of much as I would like as PGS consumes a lot of my time. 

Q: What do you enjoy most about gaming (ie. relax, it's your job, entertainment.....etc). 

A: I enjoy being competitive and always looking to win. I also enjoy bringing others together to compete with likeminded players on our PGS platform. 

Q: What are your favorite games? Tell me about your favorite characters and why? (Share the pros and cons, tips and tricks on beating your opponents....etc) 

A: FIFA, and mostly any other multiplayer games. When playing with friends offline (same location) I enjoy the rivalry and competitiveness focusing on getting that win when it’s just you and maybe 1-3 others. When all other worries are forgotten because you just thinking about that game for that period of time. Priceless moments 

We look forward to future collaborations with PSG Esports!


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